Inlet’s Journal – Mal’Bork Castle

12th May 1286 Mal’Bork Castle We managed to convince most of the undead that had kept some form of sentience not to kill us, but we were still attacked by about 5 zombies, 2 wraiths, 2 spectres, a giant spider, and some lizard men. There may even have been more than that but my head […]

Inlet’s Journal – Orstican

11th May 1286 Orstican We arrived in Orstican, of all the places, to help Orcs, of all the peoples. I have no idea how Arby comes by these requests. Whoever heard of Orcs asking for assistance? Life with Arby is nothing if not varied. In any case, my fur is still smarting after almost being […]

Inlet’s Journal – On the Road

10th May 1286 On the Road I was just minding my own damn business. Keep watch, Arby said. Wake us if anything happens, Arby said. Well, I almost got carted off into the great unknown while everyone else slept on in their comfy beds! Out of nowhere, a bronze dragon, a youngling, but still a […]

Kickstarter Tabletop Roundup – Specially for the Solo Gamers

As a Tabletop Geek, the best place to source unique and often high-quality games is Kickstarter. The crowdfunding platform has become the web market of choice for many, as it provides creators with the chance to improve the quality of their game production through exceeding their targets, and also gives might-have-never-otherwise-been-produced games a chance to […]

“Citadels Deluxe” 2016 Edition Board Game Review and How-To-Play

2-8 ½ – 2 10+ 3.5 / 5 Players Play Hours Recommended Age Geek Rating   Citadels Deluxe Review: Bruno Faidutti’s Citadels relaunched as Citadels Deluxe edition late in 2016. Winrider Games decided to include the Dark City expansion and a whole lot of extras into one Deluxe box with the base game, all for less […]

7 Best Mobile Tabletop Game Apps

For when you can’t find someone who will game with you, here’s my list of the 7 Best Mobile Tabletop Game apps to date, in price order. These apps make it semi-okay when your friends refuse to play Pandemic with you again. 7 Best Mobile Tabletop Games: 1. Coup – Free It actually works. You wouldn’t think […]

“The Refuge” Board Game Review and How-To-Play

2-6 5m – 1h 13+ 4 / 5 Players Play Time Recommended Age Geek Rating   The Refuge Review: B&B Games launched their Kickstarter campaign for The Refuge on the 15th of September in 2016. Really, they had me at zombie. I enjoy it. It is really that simple. I’ve picked it up to play […]