11th May 1286
We arrived in Orstican, of all the places, to help Orcs, of all the peoples. I have no idea how Arby comes by these requests. Whoever heard of Orcs asking for assistance? Life with Arby is nothing if not varied. In any case, my fur is still smarting after almost being carried off by that baby Dragon on the road to get here. That was definitely not an auspicious start to this trip.
We met a friendly enough innkeeper named Gockerol at The Bloody Sword in Orstican. My stomach is threatening to explode after that delicious slab of steak. I should never do that again… maybe. While I was stuffing my face, Aisley and Arthur got the location of the shaman we’re supposed to help out, and after a quick trip to the outhouse, I stumbled after them to find out what we needed to do.
The shaman advised that she wanted us to retrieve an evil amulet. An EVIL amulet. From a HAUNTED castle. Because she had a dream about it. I just… and we said yes to this? At least it’s a castle so there should be some good stuff, and who knows, I might be able to pick up a thing or two about my past.
According to the shaman, Mal’Bork castle is on the hills controlled by the hobgoblin Warlord Vasrock the Vast, but yet, he hasn’t claimed it. Legend has it that the amulet killed everyone in the castle, and is now hidden within its walls. Those who have been past claim the windows light up at night, while sounds of shuffling can be heard from within. Also, the grounds have somehow been immaculately maintained. Our job is to find the amulet, survive the undead that prowl the castle, bring it back to the shaman, and tell no one of what we’ve done.
Twilight has arrived, so all of that, will wait till the morn. Only those without an ounce of sense go to haunted castles at night.
– Inlet

This is a way to space between lines