“The Atlantis Grail” is Hogwarts in Space meets The Hunger Games

For some inscrutable reason, I delight in books where teenagers go to class. The Atlantis Grail feeds this hunger of mine, while serving up a delicious platter of “go to class to learn how to not die”. Best of all, the nickname given to the main character is superhero gold.   “Listen to her!” Laronda […]

“Star Power” Webcomic Review – Astronomer Turned Superhero

Star Power is the brainchild of seasoned webcomic creators Michael Terracciano and Garth Graham. It is a sci-fi comic set in a distant future, starring assistant astronomer Danica Maris a.k.a. the superhero Star Power. The comic is currently at Volume 4: Star Power and the Last Jump Gate. It updates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. […]

Bill Potts is the Best Thing to happen to “Dr Who”

Pearl Mackie is being hailed as the breath of fresh air that Dr Who needed. Twitter went nuts after the pilot episode, with people everywhere proclaiming their love for Bill Potts. 5 episodes in, and that love has yet to abate. Personally, it’s been years since I’ve laughed this much watching an episode of Dr Who, […]